Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And so it begins

The real Boston training that is.

December and the beginning of January was all about the base.  Weeks of 91, 72, 80, 75, 103 and 68 miles since the beginning of December.  And precious few hard efforts in there.  But now, in my self made training plan, I shift from just running miles to putting in a couple hard efforts each week along with a long run.  I'm thinking during this first phase, I'll do a tempo a week and then alternate intervals with hill repeats or hill climbs for the other hard workout.

First tempo was last Tuesday, Jan 11.  I did this in the office gym.  Goal was 2 x 2 miles @ tempo pace with a 1/4 mile jog in between.  This went very well, not too taxing but a good strong effort and had to have some good self talk to hang on at the end.  Tempo miles were 6.22, 6.18 and 6.22, 6.18, all with a 1% incline.  The tempos on the work TMs always feel easier than outdoors.

First intervals were last Friday, Jan 14.  8 x 800 with 400 jogs was the plan.  Again on the office TM.  Nailed them all right at the desired 6:00/mile pace at 1% incline, and pushed the final up to 1.5% incline.  I think I might actually finally need a TM that goes faster than 10.0 mph, but I figure I'll just use incline to up the intensity when needed.

Then a long run of 19 on Sunday.  Out the door by 4:45.  Highline was icy footprints, so I stuck mostly to the roads with just a six mile segment of Highline to the south of Orchard.  This was slower than I'd have liked, but considering the icy footing and rolling hills when not on the trial, I think it was ok.  Last 5 miles were all under 8:00 and had a few 7:30's in there.  And I finished feeling pretty good considering no food or water for the whole run.  I certainly could have gone further, but perhaps not faster.

Then a couple of hours later we took the kids on a hike out at Falcon:

So 73 miles on the week and a good return to some faster running.

This morning was tempo again.  This was done on the basement treadmill.  Tempos in the basement always feel incredibly hard to me. Part of it could be that they are usually early morning, but I really think I need to check the calibration on the thing.  Tempos down there just kill me, and this was no exception.  3 mile warmup.  Then 3 miles at 6:22 pace, dying.  Took at 1/4 mile jog, then one more mile at 6:22, and the a 2.75 cool down for 10 total. This shredded me.  Very very hard effort and many thoughts of completely shutting it down.  Glad its over.

And I survived my Monday depressing yesterday.  The past two weeks, Mondays at works I've just been in a terrible mood.  Perhaps it is thinking about all the work to come through the winter and spring, but frankly, compared to where I was last year at this time with all that miserable work on Hoffman, these cases are much easier. 

Good news though is a vacation to Mexico in late March after the big 8 day trial, so that will be great.  Then Boston in April and then the big arbitration at the end of May, so some respites in there where I hopefully can mostly shut the brain off from work thoughts.   And and we bought the Mexico getaway for just Ali and me in the fall, that should be fantastic as well.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Why not

Should I try my hand at blogging?  I suppose I wouldn't know until I tried it, so here I am trying it.

The background photo is a shot of Coop that appeared in the Denver Post a couple of years ago, actually, more like 5 years ago now.  It was a 5k at Sloan's Lake, and we ran portions of it.  I love the pic.  He enjoyed himself so much that day, as did I.  Here is a little video clip:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXdhm9hIpJc

So, I'm not really sure what this blog will be all about or where it might go, but I think I can it least update it more often than Richard and Ryan.  A modest goal.

To start, this will mostly document my training for Boston this spring.  My first sub 3 at age 41 is the goal.  My 1:23:50 half from Denver RnR this past falls predicts well for that goal at sea level, but the work must still be done to get me there.  The Newton hills must still be conquered with juice left for the last 5 miles, and my self-image as a weak hill runner must be overcome.  And I'd like to toe the line at 165 lbs (right around 169 today).

My training plan, well, it is a work in progress.  The framework is 3 quality runs per week:  one tempo, one interval, one long.  Mileage goal for the next 13 weeks....I'd like to average around 75.  Over the preceding 6 weeks where I tried to just run miles and miles with no real quality, I averaged 80 mpw with my first ever 90 and 100 mile weeks (103 to be exact, but who's counting).  Now my plan is to cut the miles back a bit and add in the quality.  Cutting the miles back should still leave me in the 70s and thus my highest mileage marathon training cycle ever.

The body feels pretty good right now.  Calves seem to get little pulls and strains every week or two, but it always goes away after a day or two of soreness.   I'm working the vibrams into the routine very slowly, right now I'm only up to 3 miles in them.  But I like the way they make me run.

First interval session of the cycle today at lunch.  Thinking 10 miles w/ 8 x 800 @ 6:00 pace w/ 400 jog recoveries.  Hopefully this isn't too taxing with that nice long rest period.