Monday, June 13, 2011

Summertime Goals

Well, at least it rhymes.

So, it's almost two months after Boston and I am righting my running ship. It's been listing a bit since Boston, but I suppose that is only natural. I've signed up for the Denver RnR half in October. And I've decided that I want to be in the 1:20:xx's at the race (so I guess sub 1:21 is the official goal). Somehow sub 1:20 just seems too daunting (6:07 pace?...I'd be pleased with a 10k at that pace!). I also want to work to a sub-18 5k this summer as well. I've got some work to do and some weight to lose (up 8 pounds since Boston).

The running since Boston has not been great, mostly due to work pressures, but I'm not too concerned, it has been rather nice taking it pretty chill for a while:

4/25: 42.8, all easy, good amount of minimalist.

5/2: 55.1, all easy, some minimalist

5/9: 24, all easy, 10 in Nike Free. The looming arbitration on 5/24 is starting to impact my running.

5/16: 23, 4 minimalist. Work hell.

5/23: No miles until 8 on Sunday. Arbitration week.

5/30: 50.4, easy. Getting back into it.

6/6: 58.2, with a 5k on Sunday. 1 track and one tempo (just 3 miles) day.

So, the 5k on June 12 gave me a gauge of where I'm at, which is far from sub-18. Miles went 5:51, 6:03, 6:17. Pretty ugly fade considering mile 3 was mostly downhill/flat. I figure losing back that 8 lbs should get me a good chunk of they way there. And more than 1 week of dedicated 5k speed work/tempo work is probably necessary as well.

I might get to run the Stadium Stampede 5k on 6/24, but I will be dropping the kids and Ali off at the airport that morning and getting back in time for the start might be tight. There is a another smaller 5k that day in Cheeseman, but running up and down Cheeseman for a 5k sounds hellish. Then I'll have 2.5 weeks of vacation back east. Hopefully I can just crank easy miles, getting in a few workouts and not sweat to death or be carried away by bugs. The only potential race to squeeze in is a 5 miler on July 16 in Concord. Sure to be a sweat fest.

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