Cylce of the training plan. Really, the macro cycle here was a year. After Boston 2010, I ran pretty easy through June. The biggest week in May was 50 miles. The biggest week in June was 54 miles. I had targeted a 4k in New Hampshire on July 4, so I did do some speed work and a few tempos, but not many.
After getting back from summer vacation in mid July, I started a bit more focus for the half in October. This was my fall goal race. But the max week in July was still just 54 miles and the longest run was 14 miles. In August I ran a bit more, big week up to 60 and long run up to 17, and a few interval sessions, but again not much of quality. I jumped into a half and SUCKED in late August.
September is where I really started focusing and weeks were consistently in the 60s and there were intervals, fartleks and tempos sprinkled in frequently. The 10 miler at Park to Park still was a poor result though at the beginning of the month. October, I ran a 5k PR early in the month and then tapered into my half and had a break out result. Focus shifted to the 4m Turkey Trot, mileage dropped a bit, but still some good quality and a good result there with a 6:00:00.25 paced race.
December became all about miles. Weeks of 91, 72, 80, 76 and 102. Really nothing very hard except some hill climbs that I started doing, just 3-5 miles of constant incline on the mill. Lots of doubles too. January was the same but a bit lower on volume, weeks of 68, 73, 75, and 47(sick).
February the goal was keep of the volume up like January and add the quality. Loosely Pfitz based but wanted to have two quality runs (hard hills, tempo or intervals) during each week in addition to the long run. Mileage of 61, 69, 73, 85.
March, the goal was the same. Sickness and trial hit me hard on a couple of weeks, but I was generally near where I wanted to be. Still had good quality sessions and the weeks were 61, 42 (trial), 84 and 80.
And then April started the tapering.
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